Produced by stacking a series of platonic forms like childhood blocks, the library is assembled around its core uses: study and meeting spaces, the physical archives and book storage, reading room, auditorium, and celebratory multipurpose space. Each of these uses are contained within a simple building form: cylinder, cube, sphere, pyramid etc. This child-like arrangement of forms is intended to be playful and approachable, inspire imagination due to its simplicity and likeness to a giant toy, and be easily identifiable as a unique urban figure among neighborhood glass box towers.
The skewered forms sit atop a raised plaza with service to the raised metro-line. This raised plaza is the planted roof of a two level market containing space for both transient and permanent vendors and commercial outlets. In the foundation of the structure, illuminated by a grid of skylights in the market, is an extensive digital archive and resource center. Locating the library with linkages to the major transit line and providing a neighborhood market to draw the local community to the library is intended to encourage use of the libraries broader community services.
Surrounding the central figure produced by the main programmatic elements are a series of multi-use, rentable, and un-programed spaces imagined to be as varied as the community the library services; drop-off your child at child-care on your way onto the train; meet with your friends after school to play Dungeons and Dragons, take an art class, practice English with a group of native English speakers, or learn a foreign language. The building seeks to provide the infrastructure for community appropriation and facilitate diverse community engagement.